Avec des femmes qui aiment les femmes, notre site est l'une des meilleures plateformes gratuites de sexe ##Things to think about: What does this blog post talk about? How might the title of the blog be incorrectly translated into English? ## The term "lesbian" can be confusing, as it's often used as a derogatory term for those who don't adhere to gender norms. Gay men are typically referred to as "homosexual," and gay women are called "lesbian." It's important to remember that these terms aren't binary — it doesn't mean you have to exclusively sleep with another woman or exclusively sleep with a man. It's also important to remember that lesbianism has nothing to do with sexual attraction — you can identify as a lesbian and be attracted to men, too. "Cisgender" is used as an adjective by people who identify as the sex they were assigned at birth. Trans people may choose to use "cis" as a means of identifying their gender identity, just as some transgender people use the noun "transgender" rather than transgender person. Language is constantly evolving, and even those who speak English as a first language don't always know how to correctly refer to other identities and groups.
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